Our Mission
The aim of this service is to contribute to safety. We want to create a service that everyone can afford, which units, is simple and adds a real value.

It is expensive to connect your home to an guarded alarm service. We believe that by instead helping each other we can offer a cheaper and better service. The burglar knows how long it takes for a guard to reach the house and will be gone before the guard or police arrives. But if neighbors instead help out and report criminal activites to authorities, there is a good change that the burglars stay away.
According to Bureau of Justice the police usually takes longer then five minutes to get to the house when burglary is reported. Data has also shown that Neighborhood watch programs work to reduce crime. By using this service we believe neighbors can cooperate more effective and safety to reduce crime.
About us
The name of our service Vizenity is a combination of Vicinity and Zen aligned with our mission to add peace in your neighborhood. We are a small team from Lund, Sweden.
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