DIY - Connect Raspberry Pi based home security system to our service
Build your own alarm system with Raspberry Pi and Arduino and connect to our service to protect your home.

Do It Yourself. Take advantage of the community to build an affordable and customized home alarm system. Send HTTPS requests to our service (REST API) and improve home safety by our neighborhood watch home alarm service. When your alarm fire you will get a notification on your phone via our mobile app or webapp. You can also Arm/Disarm the system with our service.
By using open source platforms such as home assistant you are not bound to specific devices and brands. Instead you can select from multiple open standards such as Z-wave devices or Zigbee. You can also get more use of the devices because, besides using them for security, you can also use them for home automation. For setting up home assistant we recommmend watching video below:
# Send burglary command to Vizenity from Home assistant
# Login to get BASE_URL and SECRET_KEY
url: 'https://BASE_URL/alarms?secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
method: post
content_type: application/json
payload: {"type": "burglary", "value": "on"}
url: 'https://BASE_URL/accounts?secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY'
method: put
content_type: application/json
payload: {"active": true}
API Reference
The Neigbor watch API is organized around REST. We support cross-origin resource sharing, allowing you to interact securely with our API from your hardware with your secret API key. To receive your secret key and base URL you need to login to our service and create an account. Our API uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. You call the API to enable/disable alarms of specified type (burglary, fire, gas, water and unspecified). Or if you want to Disarm/Arm or stop notifying other user in nearby area.
Example commands when sending alarm from your devices:
#Turn on fire alarm
POST https://BASE_URL/alarms?secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY
params: {type: 'fire', value: 'on'}
#Arm your system
PUT https://BASE_URL/accounts?secret=YOUR_SECRET_KEY
params: {active: true}